Sunset |
It's been a largely uneventful 2 weeks back at school. It was definitely lovely to be welcomed back with cries of "Tia Anna!!" and then being swamped by kids wanting to hug me! It was very easy to slip back into my normal routine and am feeling a bit like I never had a holiday now... it's a little scary to realise that there is only two months left here. Last Tuesday someone attempted to pick my iPod out of my pocket which was a rather frightening experience. Probably the first time I've felt unsafe out at Renca and served as a reminder that I'm working somewhere dangerous. I think perhaps I had got a little complaisant. But they didn't succeed and I can add it to my list of life experiences.
English lessons continue to go well with origami penguins, whales and fish making an appearance this month. I also demonstrated my lack of drawing skills by attempting to illustrate the story of Jonah and the whale but the kids understood what I was trying to draw! Trying to teach linked handwriting to the 4-year-olds has definitely been one of the more frustrating classes this week. I mean, the lower-case 'e' in link doesn't even look like an 'e' so no wonder the poor kids are confused!
I made Pavlova for Mother's Day |
The weather has changed rather abruptly and my sandals have been put away and my puffer jacket taken out. Generally in the mornings now it's about 5 or 6 degrees although yesterday was a grand 1 degree. However it can still get up to 20 during the day so layers of clothing is the way to go. The kindergarten has no heating nor do many houses so it feels a little like being in a student flat again. At school we stay in our woolies until at least midday when the sun finally has an impact. I hate to think how it is going to be next month as we really hit winter! I suspect I will be excessively fond of my new alpaca jersey...
A while ago I was asked for some not so nice photos so I surreptitiously took some in Renca the other day. I took them on my iPod so the quality isn't great but I hope they give you some idea of what the suburb is like.
Opposite the kindergarten |
Apartments (their equivalent of state housing) |
Stray dog (alive!) |
Rubbish dumped on the side of the road |
And this is the scrum I fight every morning to get on the train! Mind you this was relatively quiet day... |
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