Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Hello Everyone!

So, it is less than 2 weeks before my big adventure begins. I thought a good way to start this post would be to explain exactly what's going on for anyone who isn't totally sure.

About the middle of 2012 I started thinking about what I was going to do once I'd finished my degree. I want to eventually end up teaching languages and felt that my Spanish was nowhere near good enough. So I started exploring options for spending an extended time in a Spanish-speaking country. I rapidly decided that going as a tourist wasn't great so decided to look for a mission. Some people at my home church are involved with SIM (Serving In Mission) and they found the perfect place for me.

I am going to Santiago, Chile, a city with over 5 million people. This freaks me out quite a bit but hopefully I'll get used to it! Initially I will be at language school for about month until my Chilean Spanish is deemed adequate enough to take me out into the real world. SIM works alongside a school called Un Rincón de Alegría meaning A Corner of Joy. This school was set up in 2001 by a group of Christian women to provide a place of education, love, good food and hope for impoverished kids. They work with kids up to 15 years old to help them break the poverty cycle. In 2009 they increased the number of children from 45 to 60 with most kids being primary age. They are currently hoping to acquire land that will allow them to build a school for older kids. I will be teacher-aiding in this school for about 5 months. At the moment I'm not entirely sure what that will involve but I'm sure I will find out soon enough!

So far I have fund-raised over half the amount needed to go and will fund the rest of the trip myself. Thanks to everyone who bought recipe books, came to the concert and donated money. The generosity of people has been truly amazing. I can see how much God provides for me and I know that He will continue to look after me throughout the next six months.

It's going to be a big adventure, but I'm not expecting it to be easy. Chilean culture is quite different to ours and I have never really be exposed to extreme poverty before. I hope it will be a time of challenges overcome, relationships developed and rewarding time with kids in God's kingdom. I hope you all come along for the ride and enjoying supporting me over the next wee while!

1 comment:

  1. Have a good flight tomorrow, Anna! Keep us updated about your travels :) Can't wait to hear about your host family, their wee kids and the school you'll be teacher-aiding in! Enjoy x


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